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The Champion Forum Podcast

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The Power of Positive Feedback

Jeff Hancher

Research shows that it takes five or more positive interactions to override one negative interaction. Without positive deposits, people frequently become frustrated and discouraged by negative feedback. If positive feedback is so important, why do many leaders fail to praise their employees adequately? Today on the Champion Forum Podcast, we will talk about the power of positive feedback and what you can do to create a habit of recognizing what people are doing well and building better relationships between the leader and their team.


1. Why Positive Feedback Matters

  • 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated.

  • Positive feedback increases employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • Positive feedback strengthens trust and relationships within teams.

  • Positive feedback encourages repeat positive behaviors and innovation.

  • Highlighting someone’s strengths can help generate a sense of accomplishment and motivation.


Q: How do you feel when you receive positive feedback? Describe a piece of positive feedback you received that you still remember today. Why does it stand out to you? How did it affect your relationship with that person? How did it affect your work or performance?


2. Why Leaders Struggle with Positive Feedback

  • Leaders often focus on tasks and metrics over human aspects.

  • They are afraid that being too positive may make them look soft and weak.

  • Some feel awkward giving praise or worry it might seem insincere.

  • Addressing mistakes feels more productive than finding and celebrating positive behaviors.

  • Positive feedback often takes a back seat in fast-paced environments.


Q: Do you find giving positive or corrective feedback easier? Why do you think that is? When you do give positive feedback, what prompts you to do it? How does it affect your employee/team?


3. Strategies to Improve

  • Use three 50-cent pieces or our habit tracker to build a habit of giving positive feedback.

  • Avoid generic phrases like "Good job." Instead, detail the exact behavior you saw and why it was helpful.

  • Give feedback as close to the event as possible to reinforce the connection.

  • Make it personal! Recognize individual strengths and contributions that align with their unique skills.

  • Ensure you give more praise than criticism. Relationships thrive when you can give at least five positive comments for each negative one over time.

  • Encourage peer-to-peer recognition and celebrate wins in team settings. 


Q: What strategy will you try to use this week? How will you prioritize looking for the good people are doing during a hectic week? What positive impacts will you see if you do?


Application Activity:

Use the FREE Positive Deposits Habit Tracker to practice giving three positive pieces of feedback to your employees every workday for one month. Use the notes section to write down any positive outcomes or to help you remember to try to give each employee at least one positive piece of feedback each week.


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