Thank you for listening to The Champion Forum Podcast with Jeff Hancher. If you've ever wondered how to elevate your leadership without a complete overhaul, this episode is for you. Leadership isn't just about big speeches or bold strategies; it's the small, intentional actions leaders take daily that shape culture, build trust, and drive results. Today on The Champion Forum Podcast, I'll share some practical, bite-sized habits you can start using right away to elevate your leadership impact.
What is a Micro-Action?
A micro action is a short behavior you can do to influence your relationship with other people.
Types of Micro-Actions and How to Use Them:
1. Micro-Actions That Build Trust
Consistently keep your promises: Always start meetings on time and follow up when you say you will. These simple acts demonstrate reliability, a cornerstone of trust.
Show that you are listening: A simple way to show you are listening is to put away your phone and laptop during meetings. Do this when they come into your office, and even put your phone in the drawer so they can see it! This lets people know that you value your time with them.
2. Micro-Actions That Boost Morale
Personalize Recognition:Â Sending a quick email, handwritten note, or even a personal video acknowledging someone's specific contribution can make a significant impact.
Have a 30-Second Check-In: Find a way to connect with your employees about the things that matter to them. This can be as simple as asking employees how their weekend or child's soccer game went. You could also ask them if they need anything and open the door for a larger conversation if they identify an issue.
3. Micro-Actions That Drive Performance
Model Desired Behaviors: If you want your team to embrace feedback, share something you've recently learned from their input. This lets them know you are listening and not just giving lip service.
Set the Tone with Positivity: Starting meetings by sharing a quick win or expressing gratitude for the team's effort.
4. Micro-Actions That Enhance Communication
Clarify Expectations:Â Summarize action items after a discussion to ensure everyone is aligned. Ensuring your expectations are clear helps everyone succeed and reduces frustration.
Give Timely Feedback:Â Instead of waiting for formal reviews or one-on-one check-ins, provide quick feedback after observing something notable. Remember, what gets recognized gets repeated.
Application Activities:
1.    Different micro-actions will influence people in different ways. Some people value clear communication, while others feel encouraged by a heartfelt note. As you practice using each of these micro-actions, note what actions make a difference for each of your employees and try to do more of the things that make the most significant impact.
2.    Think back to the little things leaders have done for you. Consider your parents, teachers, coaches, bosses, etc. What small things did they do for you? How did that make you feel? How can you incorporate those micro-actions into your own leadership?